There will come a point where reality will lift you back down and you will soon realise that the day to start packing your belongings and memories that have been collected during your exchange is here! To me I feel that day will never come, but as I look at my countdown reading 61 days tears are quickly brought to my eyes, how on earth am I going to leave my second family that has done everything to make me feel at home, my friends who I feel I have known forever, the boring road that I walk to catch the early bus to school every morning, the hill I have to climb to go to the town center and always reward myself with a pizza or gelato for my hard efforts. How am I meant to leave "my world" and slot back into reality which I have had on pause for so long while everyone else has been moving forward. I thought that leaving my home country would be the hard part but the only difficult part about being on exchange in my new country is leaving it all behind and one day having to come back and visit knowing that the people I once saw at school everyday will no longer be around and the man I always say ciao to when going to get my chocolates might not be there to say hello to anymore, everything changes and thats the sad part!
This has been my life for the past 3 months and it has made me grow more then I ever thought possible, but for now I have 8 weeks left and I am going to make all of them count!